When many people hear the word “feedback,” their first instinct is to recoil in horror. After all, “feedback” is often synonymous with criticism, and nobody wants to be ripped apart by a loved one, customer, or employer.
Feedback, however, is necessary in today’s world—both as an employee and as an employer. Many employers seem to think that they have everything figured out and have no need to improve. This is far from the truth. Every company, no matter how successful, has problems. By identifying these problems and taking steps to fix them, they can succeed even more.
The biggest step, though, is finding these problems. What better way to identify them than to ask the employees themselves? Employees interact with the company on a daily basis. They deal with customers, co-workers, and products regularly and can readily identify the pros and cons. By having some sort of feedback system in place, companies can improve products and services and even prevent employee discrimination lawsuits.
Why is Feedback Important?
Employees can provide valuable feedback that can help companies understand what is working well and what is not. After all, they know the system better than anyone else. When there is freedom to provide feedback without retaliation, the pressure’s off. With an anonymous system in place, employees are more likely to suggest ideas and voice their concerns. This leads to an open dialogue, which maintains a positive work environment. Employees feel empowered and less stressed, making work more enjoyable.
This is important, with employee morale hitting all-time lows. Studies show that 40% of employees feel unappreciated at work. Without regular feedback, employees may feel as though they are not doing a good job, even when they really are. Therefore, positive feedback on a regular basis—and not just once a year when it is time for performance reviews—can make a huge difference in how a person views his or her job and employee worthiness.
Feedback can be valuable in uncomfortable situations in which an employee is having a problem with a co-worker. For example, if an employee has seen a co-worker goof off or engage in unethical behavior during work hours, the employee can let the company know. The same goes for cases of sexual harassment or discrimination. If one employee is harassing another to the point where work becomes stressful, informing the employer gives them the opportunity to address the situation before it involves legal action, which can be a burden for an employer.
Contact a New York Employee Discrimination Lawyer
Many companies are unaware of the issues in their workplace. Employees can provide valuable feedback that can help prevent discrimination issues, improve employee morale, enhance customer service, and even increase profits.
When no feedback processes are in place, offices tend to suffer. Employees face discrimination and feel alone. If this is your situation, contact the experienced New York employment discrimination lawyers at Ricotta & Marks, P.C. We can assess your case and determine if any laws have been broken. Schedule a free consultation today by calling (917) 540-8565.